Public Interest Health Journalism

Health News Update

The bi-monthly news update is a convenient way to stay up to date with health news including the latest resources, policies, and developments. In line with our mission to support health equity, the articles published on our homepage are freely available.

Editorial Services

We provide independent editorial services to document health meetings, workshops, and conferences. The service is funded by conference organisers or other third parties, but editorial responsibility rests with the Health Media Centre team. This service helps support knowledge dissemination and to amplify the impact and reach of meetings, workshops, and conferences. Services include:

  • Live tweeting
  • Online news reports, published before, during and after the conference or event
  • Podcasts
  • Follow-up interactive e-publications compiling all coverage.

Media and Communication Training

Workshops are variety of topics in health topics to enable journalists to report with in depth context. We train health communication professionals to remain up to date with the latest trends in media, audience practices as well as contemporary health communication approaches.

While there is some variation from program to program, nearly all of the workshops are designed for small groups of 10 to 25 participants. Active learning is encouraged through case-based discussions, group exercises, video case review, and communication skills practice. Contact the team if you would like to organise training tailored to the needs of your team or organisation.

Contact info

Kampala, Uganda